Following great feedback from our 2014 Medical Malpractice Payout Analysis, we are proud to be releasing a payout analysis specific to New Jersey.
Following great feedback from our 2014 Medical Malpractice Payout Analysis, we are proud to be releasing a payout analysis specific to New Jersey.
The 2015 Medical Malpractice Payout Analysis has been released and is available here. As a service to our clients and all physicians nation-wide, Diederich Healthcare has done an analysis of the medical malpractice payouts in 2013 as recorded by the National Practitioner Data Bank. Taking the data from the NPDB’s records, statistics were selected that will be both interesting and timely to doctors and all other medical professionals. Interestingly, 2013 marked the first time since…
Diederich Healthcare’s Medical Malpractice Insurance Professionals have released an educational series directed at physicians nation-wide. This series of informational articles focuses on topics that are relevant to the medical malpractice insurance landscape today. The series has a broad scope, with the following articles being made available: Change in 2014 – Oklahoma physicians can reduce practice costs with minimal effort Does price reflect quality of malpractice insurance? Transitioning From Occurrence to Claims-Made Using a Broker/Agent and…
The New Jersey Department of Insurance has recently approved a newly admitted medical malpractice insurance carrier to provide coverage to New Jersey physicians effective immediately. Coverage for this admitted carrier is now offered through Diederich Healthcare and is designed to provide quality affordable coverage to physicians practicing in New Jersey. Although having provided malpractice insurance coverage since 2005, this recent expansion into New Jersey is consistent with their commitment to provide stable, long-term protection for…
The 2015 Medical Malpractice Payout Analysis has been released and is available here. As a service to our clients and all physicians nation-wide, Diederich Healthcare has done an analysis of the medical malpractice payouts in 2012 as recorded by the National Practitioner Data Bank. Taking the data from the NPDB’s records, statistics were selected that will be both interesting and timely to doctors and all other medical professionals. At the beginning of the infographic there…
As a service to our clients and all physicians nation-wide, Diederich Healthcare has done an analysis of the medical malpractice payouts in 2011 as recorded by the National Practitioner Data Bank. Taking the data from the NPDB’s records, statistics were selected that will be both interesting and timely to doctors and all other medical professionals. The data represented in this particular infographic is for the Northeastern United States. To view the infographic depicting the entire…
The 2015 Medical Malpractice Payout Analysis has been released and is available here. As a service to our clients and all physicians nation-wide, Diederich Healthcare has done an analysis of the medical malpractice payouts in 2011 as recorded by the National Practitioner Data Bank. Taking the data from the NPDB’s records, statistics were selected that will be both interesting and timely to doctors and all other medical professionals. Toward the end of the infographic there is…
New Jersey policyholders’ surplus increased $7.8 billion to $564.7 billion at March 31, 2011, from $556.9 billion at year-end 2010. Additions to surplus in first-quarter 2011 included insurers’ $7.8 billion in net income after taxes, $3.9 billion in unrealized capital gains on investments (not included in net income), $1.5 billion in new funds paid in (new capital raised by insurers), and $0.4 billion in miscellaneous additions to surplus, according to ISO, Inc. As a result,…
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